Stromberg - Der Film
Género: Feature film / Trailer
Ano: 2013/2014
Duração: 01:24 min
Descrição: Feature film based on the popular TV series. On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the heads of the Capitol insurance company invite all employees on a country trip to a rustic hotel. Of course, Bernd Stromberg, Berthold "Ernie" Heisterkamp, and Jennifer Schirrmann attend, as well as the now-married Ulf and Tanja who bring along their foster child Marvin. Yet the festivities are overshadowed by a dark rumour: Allegedly, the company plans announce the closure of their branch office during the party, which would mean massive lay-offs. Thus, Stromberg and the others try to impress the chairmen by all means necessary in order to save their jobs.
Fornecedor: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Direitos: In Copyright / NFP Marketing & Distribution (Berlin)
Director: Arne Feldhusen
Tipo de documento:
Language: de